30 Day Writing Challenge - Day One: Friends

I've been with the shit lately... really, really with the shit. I've been a typical Cancer, disgusted with the world outside of my shell and thus retracting... Staying in the house, not going anywhere... just cutting myself off from everybody. If you're a Cancer,  you understand this.. our weird moods and how hard it is to shake them, but you know what... Cancer season is rapidly approaching and, well.... I needed to get out of the house..

And so I did... This past weekend was the 1st this year that I was actually out all weekend. Shocker. But, at the end of the day, it was needed. I needed to be around other people, I needed to kick shit with my friends. All of us are at crucial points in our lives, babies, marriages, new jobs.. trying to keep the ones we have.. relationships, just typical 20-something shit. Trying to figure out why whores are "getting on" while we're doing what we're supposed to but you know... there's that typical 20-something "struggle" .. It is what it is..

We weren't looking for answers or solutions, we just subconsciously needed to know that we weren't alone . We all have the same basic concerns and wants and it was great to be in the space of just talking with each other. Not via Twitter or FB Wall Posts or text messages or phone calls. There we were, face to face, all of us with each other, all weekend. I'm very appreciative for that

Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other. Because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much that we are not friends
Author Unknown

until next time, xo


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