
. this weekend was good as can be, i guess. it was a normal kush and talk filled weekend... cleaned... ran errands... smoked (a lot.. lol)... ate entirely too much. rolled my 1st roach filled blunt... (yay!!!) the usual lol. on saturday, the mother in law gave me her sewing machine. YAY! now all i need is a body form, fabric, ect... let my creativity flowwww lmao.. umm.. the CGI fashion show i'm in is on may 15th. when i was leaving the meeting, 1 of the MUA's ran after me and was all "your walk is faabulous and you're so tall, so pretty, so thin..." mmmkay, thanks! then he goes "i wanna set up a test shoot with you ..WOW lol! imma hit him up tho... tonight i'm SUPPOSED to hit the gym to tone up my legs and ish for the fashion show and for a modeling convention i'm going to in may (23-25th).. speaking of may, that's gonna be an e x t r e m e l y busy month with all that modeling ish and I'm sure the Bombshells™ are gonna have me super busy as well but most importantly, my bae is graduating on May 9th w/ bachelors in math, computer science and IT.... more power to him for staying in school and finishing.. now i can be a purrty little housewife while he brangs it home to momma lmaoooo.. ANYWHO... i'm hungry and i'm out! love, pSlim™


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