Various Shit

.nothing interesting going on over this way 'cept for bills, bills, bills. ugh. i absolutely HATE the end/beginning of the month. so freaking stressful!

. my quest continues though, i gotta be at A&F around 4pm.. all i need/want is 2 bullshit jobs that won't drug test, will work with my schedule and give me a nice lil store discount. plus, they're casting for their SPR/SUM 2011 campaign.. i mean.. damn.. if I would've stayed there, I would've been in this year's campaign.. *real shit*.. but whatev.. i'll stay this summer though lol..

. i decided what i want my next tat to be.. i want a cheshire cat somewhere on my shoulder. been obsessed since i was a little kid. i've always felt like alicia in wonderland lol... and i love the cheshire cat. so flamboyant and out there yet, so secretive.. just fade into the background and watch all the contradictions of my peers. it's hilarious. i swear it is..

. anywho, today is tuesday and new music hits shelves today..

..first up, my usher raymond .. i have to admit, upon first hearing "there goes my baby" i thought r&b was on it's way to being saved. i really did. i love the melody. the words.. the way he sings them.. its beautiful really, but the album goes no farther than that. all the the videos he's put out thus far look like he's trying to recapture the essence of the confessions album or his last (i forgot the name of it). pSlim no likey. ew. he could've massively done better. but, for you die hard Usher fans, he can do no wrong, so go throw away 10$ at the record store or give it to me.. I need the gas money. Seriously..

.next up is ms erykah badu and i am thrilled with her new effort. part one was a tad bit "eh" for me... honey was absolutely sublime but this WHOLE entire cd is like sex to my ears. i love how she sampled BIG'S "get money" and the subtle messages she's sending in her songs. very creative woman, i love her. kudos ms. badu, keep doing your thing girl. i'm not gonna lie, i just might actually buy this cd.. well.. let me stop lying, but it is worth it though.

cute huh?!


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