i'm baaacckkk!!

.pardon my abruptness, but I'm baaaacckk!!
after a much needed social detox that began in October 2010 and culminated sometime in March 2011, i am ready to emerge from my shell and get back to life as i knew it and beyond.
I'm still trying to find my way, taking everything one moment, day, at a time and trying to remain optimistic and positive about everything in general.
I'll be returning to school to complete my Bachelor's soon and everything is going fine at the job. come May, it will be my 1 year anniversary and i am very proud of myself-i haven't quit... if you know me, I'm lucky if i stay at a job 6 months, let alone a year.
on the home front, everything is great. i have my moments where i wonder, but i don't dwell on those thoughts for long and i get out of my feelings real quick. i love what i have at home.
for the first time in a long time, i can actually say ( and mean it) that i am truly 100% happy with where i am and where I'm going in this thing called life. a part of me is a lil scared, you know, of the unknown... but hey, its called growing up and getting over it! like Nike "just do it" ..
in regards to this here, my sweet baby blog of mine.. my little piece of the internet.. I'm going to continue to nurture it (as I've done with the previous 2 posts). a new feature, Fashionably Elite* will feature the best of the best representing Memphis fashionably on our party circuit. I'll also be posting tidbits here and there of my (profound, lol) thoughts & ideas, restaurant reviews and other random odd things.

until next time, muah!*


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