Woman Speed-Dial : Top 10

Top 10 People Women Should Have on Speed-Dial

1) Hairstylist

IDC if you perm it, press it, weave it, or you're natural, take care of it and make sure it looks fabulous at all times.. sure we all have our moments, but really ladies, our hair is literally our crowning glory..

2) Nail Tech

Even if you do regular manicures on yourself, invest in a licensed nail tech once or twice a month, they make all the difference in your cuticles and overall health of your nails. Plus, no man wants gnarly hands all over his package ...or his face

3) Stylist

Your stylist is your most fashionable friend...Take her along when you go shopping, try new suggestions.. This person can help you hone in on your signature look (btw, every woman should have a signature look, but thats another post). She tells you NO when NO needs to be told and eases you into trends if you're unsure..

4) Dermatologist

Keep that skin beautiful!

5) Gynecologist

I really should have listed this at numero uno! If the plumbing is foul, who GAF about the rest?!!

6) Make Up Artist

For those special events or if you just want to feel glam !

7) Tailor

8) Dentist

9) Internist

10) Personal Trainer

as always, hope you've enjoyed & muah!


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