Perfect Relationship?

A Twitter Pal/former Camp Mate of mine recently posed a question to his followers:

" How many of my followers have the perfect relationship with their significant other? "

My immediate response was

" I'm waiting on someone to lie to you-- there is no perfect relationship. "

Many can argue that there is, but ask them how deep into their relationship are they. More often, it's within the first 6-18 months of their relationship, the Honeymoon Phase:

During the Honeymoon Phase, everything their partner does, says, thinks, etc, is 'perfect' . Everything is viewed through a rose-colored lens. All of their flaws are overlooked and they're put on a pedestal of sort. Both parties are often euphoric, the relationship seems perfect because things are very easy and effortless. The common misconception is that this will last forever and that he or she will never change.

Ask someone who has been married for 10+ years, they will surely beg to differ.

Relationships are work, and in order for them to work, both parties must be on the same page, the same general direction, work as a team and thoroughly abide by the 80/20 Rule (another post unto itself). Every relationship has it's ups and downs; from silent treatment to arguments to passionate, torrid sex, its LIFE.

The thing that people in relationships must always keep in mind is EVERY relationship is perfect from the outside looking in. The worst thing you can do as a couple is to compare yourselves to the next couple. No one knows what is going on behind closed doors. All you can do is sweep around your own front door and make sure you keep your home tended to.

With that being said, go do something nice for your Boo tonight. I'm sure they'll be appreciative and, in that moment, you both will feel your relationship is perfect :)


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