Moment of Silence....

For this fuckery I just watched about Memphis... Say whatever you want about my city, think and feel however you wish... but know, not NAN other city is fucking with Memphis. Period... Whomever said "If you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere" LIED... If you can make it in MEMPHIS..... you can make it anywhere... 

shot by: The Haute Amazon

shot by: The Haute Amazon

shot by The Haute Amazon

shot by The Haute Amazon
Ain't shit in Memphis!! Hardly any DECENT jobs... plenty of warehouse though... The colleges here... they're aiight.. The government here... stupid as bricks... But the people... the everyday mfs like you and I, we grind this shit out on a daily basis! Find our niche and develop a strong ass hustle that NO ONE can take away!  We have our own slang, our own way of walking and talking and handling business... sometimes it might not be the best way, but it is what it is... If you dont like it, speak the fuck up and do something about it but dont dare try to "clown" my city....  We are what makes this city so great and amazing and full of opportunity!

Nothing but trailblazers come from Memphis... sadly, they take their trail-blazing asses to Atlanta and then they steal shit and say it came from there, but I digress... I'm rambling right now...

Take a look at this wack ass piece of shit video some wack ass mf took the time out to make about The City.... Hating at its finest..

Memphis is thick as thieves and when presented with opposition from OUTSIDERS... we will get in your shit...

End Rant... lmao


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